Breaking News from the Zombie Front

I’ve got excellent news from the zombie front. I’ve just put the finishing touches on the new cover for the first book in my apocalyptic series, Viral Dawn!  While I loved the previous cover, I wanted a new look that more closely matched the story.  And…..voila! The new cover was created by yours truly, and I really like how it shows Casey facing down the onslaught of zombies like the boss she is.

Here’s the new, more descriptive jacket copy:
What if your world changed in a split second, destroying everything you thought you knew and thrusting you into a world where your very survival depends on every move you make, every decision, and every step you take? Every. Move. Matters.
An explosion at the army depot unleashes a deadly cloud carrying a genetically engineered virus that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. High school senior, Casey Williams has taken refuge at the school with friends and the few others who managed to survive the blast and ensuing viral outbreak.  They’re safe. For now.  But supplies are running short, and tempers are running shorter as Casey realizes the time is coming they will need to get out.  She is determined to lead her friends to safety only to discover that she’s led them into even greater danger. Determined to save her friends, she fights the living and the undead in her quest to survive.
I’m mapping out the story for book two in the series, Viral Storm, which I hope will be finished by early next year.  I’ve got a few other projects that absolutely must be done before we find out what happens with Casey and her hunky soldier BF Kyle. Stay tuned.


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