Midnight Oil Anthology Author, Joe Pranaitis

Q&A with Midnight Oil Anthology Author, Joe Pranaitis

Inquiring minds want to know what makes you tick. Tell us about your life.

I am an author and producer. I grew up being exposed to Star Trek and the original BattleStar Galactica and later on Babylon 5, but the thing that has really influenced me was the book Star Trek: Final Frontier by Diane Carey.

What was your life like before you became a writer, and how did you get your start as an author?

I started out as an artist just drawing starships and then my mom and my uncle introduced me to the word processing program and I wrote several short stories. But it wasn’t until high school that I was given the assignment to write and draw my own comic book and that is where my original series Infinite Stars was born.

Tell us about your writing process. Are you a pantser, a plotter, or something else?

How I start is by taking time to read then I watch an episode of a series before sitting down at the computer and let my mind take flight.

Do you have a favorite writing project or a book that still haunts your dreams that you would like to share?

All of my writing projects have been my favorite when I’ve worked on them.

Tell us a little about your story in the Midnight Oil Anthology.

It takes place a few hours after the ECS Andrea (See Shattered Time Anthology) was launched and Admiral Lynch has to find out why they haven’t returned yet so she orders her crew aboard the Nimitz to locate the designer of the experimental temporal engines.

Do you have works in progress?

Yes, I am currently rewriting two of what was my Kindle Worlds stories into books of their own that will fit within the universe of my stories from both Shattered Time and Midnight Oil.

What are your plans for your next book?

As above and the first book in the Temporal War trilogy of which it will be called should be out by next January or February.

Do you have an especially interesting research experience to share?
No, unfortunately, I don’t

How do you stay in touch with your muse?
She and I have a great relationship and she always knows when I need her.

What do you think has contributed the most to your writing style?
What has is that I read a lot and I let my impanation take flight,

How can readers follow you online?

You can find me at my website http://trekprime.wixsite.com/joepranaitis, Goodreads,  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3143760.Joe_Pranaitis, Twitter https://twitter.com/JoePranaitis, and my Facebook author’s page  https://www.facebook.com/JoePranaitisAuthor/?ref=bookmarks

Teaser for Counterpoint

An hour after Admiral Lynch sees the ECS Andrea vanish into time she sees that they haven’t returned but hunts down the temporal engines designer to find out from him what went wrong. When she tracks him down he confesses that he wasn’t telling her the truth when he designed the temporal engines or that he isn’t even from the twenty-fourth century but from a year far up the timeline.

Published by: Skyler Rankin

I'm Skyler Rankin author of sci-fi, mystery, paranormal, and thriller novels. I am also director of Woodland Media Creative Services, which offers narration, copywriting, narration, graphic design, editing, and other services.

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