Midnight Oil Anthology Author, Sarah Stein

Sarah Stein, the author of An Honest Lie, featured in the Midnight Oil Anthology, dropped by my virtual office to share the low down on her short story. Midnight-Sarah-200x300

Inquiring minds want to know what makes you tick. Tell us about your life.

I’ve always been an avid reader, and that’s one of the main reasons why I started writing my own tales. I’m from southern Louisiana but reside in south Texas with my husband of many years, two children, a German Shepherd, and a Dachshund. When I’m not spending quality time with them, I’m singing, reading, writing, or researching for the upcoming releases.

What was your life like before you became a writer, and how did you get your start as an author?

Before I became a writer, I worked in retail during the day and focused on my husband and children when they’d get off of work and school. Now, I write while they’re away. I’m lucky to have such an amazing support system.

Tell us about your writing process. Are you a panster, a plotter, or something else?

I’m a plotter all the way. Most of my notes are jotted down on the many notebooks that I have stored in my desk. I recently started saving files to Dropbox, but it’s just the manuscripts. I actually have three separate hard drives for backups. Lol

Do you have a favorite writing project or a book that still haunts your dreams that you would like to share?

My favorite project was when I worked on The Dark Truth that was featured in the Tales After Midnight Anthology. I think every author featured had a blast working on that one. Unfortunately, it’ll be out of print really soon.

Tell us a little about your story in the Midnight Oil anthology.Midnight-Sarah-2-300x222

My story in the Midnight Oil Anthology is called ‘An Honest Lie.’ It focuses on keeping a secret that not even your best friend knows about. This secret actually affects her best friend, but the main character is torn between following her heart or squashing her dream and keeping things the way they are at the moment.

Do you have works in progress?

I have tons of work in progress. Lol This year, I plan on releasing the third book in my shifter series. I’m also releasing three other stories that will be featured in anthologies in Oct. Sept. and Dec. of 2018.

What are your plans for your next book?

I’m plotting for the fourth and final story in the shifter series and releasing that in 2019. I’m also working on an anthology piece that features a few erotica stories written by me.

Do you have an especially interesting research experience to share?
My only interesting research was when I had to look up flaying a human being. Lol, It was for the Halloween anthology. To be honest, the research was very interesting.

How do you stay in touch with your muse?
I read, and read and read some more until I’m reading to write the next story. I don’t push myself unless I’m writing during NaNoWriMo.

My readers can find me online here:

Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/113903399454384/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsarahstein/

Website: https://sarahsteinauthor.wordpress.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorsarahstein/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Author_SarahS_

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/256144.Sarah_Stein

Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/Sarah-Stein/e/B01L0BZLCO

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/authorsarahstein

Published by: Skyler Rankin

I'm Skyler Rankin author of sci-fi, mystery, paranormal, and thriller novels. I am also director of Woodland Media Creative Services, which offers narration, copywriting, narration, graphic design, editing, and other services.

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