Beneath a Sinister Moon – D.A. Roach

I love a satisfying finale to a series, and Beneath a Sinister Moon hit the spot like Starbucks on a cold winter morning. This book left me invigorated with its unexpected twists and turns. If you’ve read the others in the series (and this is a must because it’s a continuing story that builds with each book) you know that Cassidy seemed at first to be cursed in life. She was abandoned by a father she never knew. Her mother died soon after birth, her first real boyfriend died in a car accident.

Cassidy had no other family than her grandmother, who died of a heart attack. Shortly after her boyfriend (Jace) died, she searched the accident scene hoping to recover a ring she had given him that had belonged to her mother, the only tangible heirloom she owned. In doing so, she literally stumbles upon a portal to a hidden world in a nearby cemetery and learns there’s a centuries-old battle between good and evil playing out just beneath human awareness. She meets a clan of Demon Hunters who are in constant battle for their own survival against demons that roam our world and other dimensions.

Cassidy develops relationships with the clan and becomes bonded to Killian, their leader. As the story progresses, we learn there is more to Cassidy’s past than even she understands, in that she carries the blood of angels in her veins. She learns Jace has been possessed by demons and vows to do what she can to save his soul. She develops a kinship with the clan and wants desperately to help them. Despite Killian’s reluctance to allow her to place herself in danger, Cassidy persists. Eventually, she learns that her ancestry puts her at ground zero in this war, and she must fight in it whether Killian wants her to or not. Beneath a Sinister Moon resolves Cassidy’s story in unexpected ways. (Sorry-no spoilers here…I’m a closed book. Lips zipped.) 

Without giving away more details, I’ll just say this series is full of action and suspense. Cassidy’s story stayed with me long after I put the book down. She’s like the rest of us in many ways as we suffer through the losses of life and find ourselves struggling against adversity. She’s a strong, courageous young woman who may be afraid at times but faces that fear by ramping up her resolve and fighting skills. She presses on, not for power or glory, but for the love she has for her new found friends, whom she’s grown to love like family.  I highly recommend this engaging series.

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Published by: Skyler Rankin

I'm Skyler Rankin author of sci-fi, mystery, paranormal, and thriller novels. I am also director of Woodland Media Creative Services, which offers narration, copywriting, narration, graphic design, editing, and other services.

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