Join Me for an Author Takeover!

Mark your calendars! Join me in the Reanimated Writers Zombie Fiction Fan Group on May 11 when I take over their virtual space. We’ll have fun and games and book chat about Viral Dawn. Everyone gets a free eBook copy of Viral Dawn. Participate in the games, and get chances to win an Amazon Fire 7, autographed copies of Viral Dawn paperbacks with my specially designed bookmarks, and Amazon e-gift cards. Oh, and there’s fun swag too! Just read Viral Dawn, leave an honest review, and I’ll send you your choice of swag while supplies last. We have Viral Dawn mini-book earrings that are so darned cute. Dog tag necklaces, pins, magnets, para cord bracelets, and cards for playing Viral Dawn: The Card Game. As an added bonus, you’ll meet the fun zombie fiction fans in the group. They’re a blast. It’s best to join up early to ensure you’re approved in time for the event. So join us on May 11 from 7 to 9 ET right here:

Can’t come but still want to help? Like and share this post! Thanks!

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