Sidhe Squad

You clicked on a page with an enigmatic title and you’re wondering what Skyler Rankin’s Sidhe Squad is. I can already tell you’re meant to be here. You love a good story. Your heart longs for adventure. You’ve never shied away from a creepy encounter. Intrigued? Then join me…

My Sidhe Squad is a team of my closest paranormal-sci-fi-book-loving peeps. My posse. If you have what it takes, I bid you welcome. As a privileged member of the Sidhe Squad, you’ll be among the first to receive my advanced reader copies (ARCs) of my new books (Free) before they’re published. You’ll have the opportunity to give me feedback. The good, the bad, and the ugly…and yes, I’ll still like you.

And the rewards are sweet…or at the very least, swag. The more you interact, like and share my posts, blog, tweet, pin, stumble, or otherwise spread the word on your social media platforms of choice, the more you’ll win. What will you win, and how will you win it? Well…she said, placing her teacup on a shelf and wringing her hands with glee… I’ve designed some awesome swag:

…like this ubercool Viral Dawn schtuff.

…and my specially designed para-cord bracelet just for zombie hunters. But wait, there’s more! I’ve designed a Viral Dawn Card game to go with this commemorative deck:

Viral Dawn: The Card Game has been tested and approved by the fam!

These are just a few of the little things I’ll share with my Sidhe Squad, and as things move along, there will be more fun prizes to share. How do you join? Like and follow my author page on Facebook, and submit a request to join our private Sidhe Squad group. I’ll announce activities and events as they arise.

So, what’s with the name, Sidhe Squad? As you may know, the Sidhe (pronounced ‘‘shee’) are a race of beings from Scottish and Irish mythology with mystical powers. In some literature, they’ve been called fairies, faeries, and fae folk.

They’re believed to have mystical powers that allow them to move through time and space and shapeshift at will.

This makes them a fitting metaphor for the mystical powers of stories to transform our minds and our lives as we explore them. They take us to magical and mysterious places and inspire us.

So, together, we’ll explore great reads, myths, audiobooks, and more. We’ll be a virtual band, a posse, cohorts, and pals. So, it’s not just about reading. It’s about virtual friendships and sharing. And while we can’t necessarily do lunch or catch a movie online, we can share via social media and be there for each other in spirit, if not in person.

So who am I looking for? Most of my readers are young women and adult women, but I’m open to anyone who loves a good read. The books typically have a paranormal bend. Romance is more of a side dish than the main course. Love scenes are not explicit. Violence may occur, and danger is frequently a theme, but again, it’s more about the mood and the story than the gore. If this sounds like your kind of book, welcome aboard.

If you want to be in my inner circle, the Sidhe Squad is calling you. Sound delightful? Intriguing? Then sign up. Like and follow my author page on Facebook, and submit a request to join our private Sidhe Squad group. You’ll be asked about why you’d like to join, and our community rules will be explained. Nothing huge…just be nice, engaged, and supportive. Temper criticism with tact. Once you’re in, I hope you’ll stay and enjoy the realm of the Sidhe Squad.